It is now a well-known and widely accepted fact that Shoghi Effendi acquired the position of Guardianship solely based on the forged Will and Testaments of Abdu’l Baha and by np other official introductions or prior appointments. The strongest evidence of the will of Abdu’l Baha (as released by Shoghi Effendi) comes from the then leading forensics expert Dr. Ainsworth Mitchel who’s forte as the lead consultant for the Scotland Yard providing expert witness on issues of the written word and handwriting. He has said as part of his investigation into the Will and Testament of Abdu’l Baha that the document provided is a forgery. This report is widely published on the internet.

Apart from this expert opinion let us take a critical look at the supposed guardianship of Shoghi Effendi from other perspectives.
- After the ascension of Baha’u’llah, Abdu’l Baha was widely accepted as His successor since the community at large understood Abdu’l Baha would succeed Baha’u’llah as he had in the past been introduced by Baha’u’llah as such. However, in the case of Shoghi Effendi, The Master never once in His lifetime even made a passing about Shoghi Effendi succeeding Him.
- Quoting ad-verbatim from the alleged Will and Testament of the Master (based on whose statements Shoghi Effendi was installed as guardian), “O ye beloved of the Lord! It is incumbent upon the Guardian of the Cause of God to appoint in his own lifetime him that shall become his successor, that differences may not arise after his passing. He that is appointed must manifest in himself detachment from all worldly things, must be the essence of purity, must show in himself the fear of God, knowledge, wisdom and learning. Thus, should the first-born of the Guardian of the Cause of God not manifest in himself the truth of the words:—“The child is the secret essence of its sire,” that is, should he not inherit of the spiritual within him (the Guardian of the Cause of God) . Firstly, if Shoghi Effendi was appointed guardian by Abdu’l Baha in this will and testament then henceforth all instructions should be to Shoghi Effendi by direct address (second person) and not the ambiguous “Guardian of the cause of God” since all ambiguity ends with the appointment of Shoghi Effendi. Secondly, by dying childless Shoghi Effendi has shown that he was not the true guardian since if he would have been the true guardian of the cause of God then he would have been blessed with a lineage which would have succeeded him in being guardians of the Cause of God.
- Again, quoting ad-verbatim from the alleged Will and Testament of the Master: …and his glorious lineage not be matched with a goodly character, then must he, (the Guardian of the Cause of God) choose another branch to succeed him. Abdu’l Baha has clearly instructed that in the unfortunate event of a suitable successor not being available from the direct lineage of the Guardian i.e. Aghsan, the Guardian should select a successor from the Afnan. One can only wonder why this very clear instruction of Abdu’l Baha were not followed.
- The Alleged Will and Testament also specifically instructed the Guardian to establish the Universal House of Justice and commanded him (the Guardian) to be the chair- person after its establishment. Again, defying the commandments of the Master Shoghi Effendi chose to rule the Baha’i faith as dictator without opting for any consultation. Although his period of tyranny lasted for 35 years the Universal House of Justice was not formed.
- Baha’u’llah says in Kitab-i-Aqdas that “Unto everyone hath been enjoined the writing of a will.” (Aqdas #109). Shoghi Effendi not only wilfully disobeyed Abdu’l Baha but also chose to sidestep divine law by not writing a will and leaving the affairs of the Bahais in disarray after his death.
- Shoghi Effendi, when younger, used to routinely disobey his Grandfather (Abdu’l Baha). After failing in his college at the age of twenty-four (on account of his wayward activities), Shoghi Effendi chose to enrol himself at the Oxford University. This was despite the objections made by the Master. The Lady Ruth White has noted the following in her book (Reference: Ruth White, Abdu’l Baha’s Questioned Will and Testament, p 29) regarding this unfortunate event. “In the autumn of 1919. Despite the objections of Abdu’l Baha he went. This act demonstrates that Shoghi Effendi had little consideration for the wishes of his grandfather, who was then seventy-four years of age. It also shows that he was lacking in the spiritual attributes which would have enabled him to know that it was of far more value to be with Abdu’l Baha, both spiritually and mentally, during the last two years of his life,”
- As per Baha’i teachings, there is to be clergy or supreme leader / unquestioned commander in the Baha’i faith. But Shoghi Effendi managed or rather ruled the faith as his personal fiefdom. Much akin to a tyrant Pope or a crazy Mollah, he excommunicated the entire family of Abdu’l Baha on frivolous pretexts, like travelling abroad without informing him or for marrying without his permission or even for attending Baha’i gatherings without informing him. While none of these innocent family members of Abdu’l Baha broke Covenant, what they did break was the ginormous ego of this tyrant “Guardian” which resulted in their excommunication. The true reason for these excommunications was Shoghi Effendis insecurity about his fragile position and his paranoia which afforded no challengers or questioners to his unchecked authority.
Seeing the above and applying it to an everyday person we might hesitate to even call such a person as a Baha’i, let alone as the “Guardian of the cause of God”. We must keep in mind that Abdu’l Baha has said “if a person is to live his life treading on the principles of the Baha’i faith without overtly declaring himself as Baha’i, he has in fact lived as Baha’i. And if a person calls himself a Baha’i all his life and has not obeyed or followed the principles of the Baha’i faith then he is not a Baha’i.”
Assuming for a moment, for the sake of a healthy argument, that the will and testament of Abdu’l Baha is not forged, can anyone today justify the disobedience of Shoghi Effendi with regards to the direct commandments of Abdu’l Baha made in the said will. Did Shoghi Effendi live the life of a model Baha’i or did he choose to deliberately disobey the instructions and commandments of Abdu’l Baha and Baha’u’llah?
A little “Independent Investigation of Truth” would very easily reveal the truth.
-Guest Article sourced from Free Baha'is Official Blog
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